Renato Laranja Show: Episode 1 with Kenny Florian

May 7th, 2014

Coach Alder on Joey Diaz’s Podcast. CWHN #174

May 7th, 2014


Comedian, actor and entertainer Joey “Cooo” Diaz, had me on on his podcast, “The Church of what’s happening Now.” If you are a martial arts enthusiast, you know him as Joey Karate. To be a guest on his show was an absolute pleasure. Joey is one of my favorite people on the planet. It was tons of fun.

CLICK HERE to check out the show!

Best of Renato Laranja On Eddie Bravo Radio

June 20th, 2013





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Best Of Renato Laranja Part 4

May 13th, 2013



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Marcello Garcia’s 2 on 1 Grip from Butterfly Guard

December 18th, 2012

Marcello Garcia has been using a new 2 on 1 grip from the butterfly guard position. Eddie Bravo is speaking very highly of this position, he went off on it for a while last night on the podcast. He thinks it could be a game changer. I’ve had a little success with it myself, I’ll be interested to see where it goes.

Coach Alder Hampel

Best Of Renato Laranja Part 3

September 30th, 2012









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Renato Laranja Fruits and Vegetables t shirt

August 27th, 2012

the 27 time mundial champ teaches you how to grow big and strong with his diet. Fruits and vegitables and scientifically proven to get you more world championships, guaranteed!

Fruits & Vegetables T Shirt









27 Time Mundial Champion, Renato Laranja

August 25th, 2012

I started a long time ago when I was eight years old. I was raised in Rio De Janeiro. I was a street kid. I was wild. I ran around the favela. I did a lot of things that was illegal. I didn’t have a lot of supervision. I had a Dad but he was like from that song, “Papa Was a Rolling Stones”. On the street, he sold gum and stuffs like that. He was a street vendor.
I was having some hard times. I was one night very hungry. I was very cold. I was curled up in the corner next to some garbage can. My little legs was very skinny and I was just wear some shorts. And I don’t have a shirt. I was shivering. And then, all of a sudden, I see a face come close to me. It was a man. He cover me with something. But it was not a blanket, it was a gi top. He put the top over me like a blanket to tuck me in. And I look that man and I think at first he was the guy from the movie, Evil Dead 2, Bruce Campbell. Also now he’s on the show Burn Notice. The man was Murilo Bustamante. He take me under his wing. That day was the change for my whole life. He take me to train. He teach me how to live. I was no longer do bad things. Before I was experiment with some “Heefer” and with some smoke. Also I was sniff glue. And I was also do what they call huff paint. But now I do everything good. I learn to fight. I learn how to train. I learn how to take some natural foods for my body. I take to jiu-jitsu like a fish take to…jiu-jitsu.
It was a very natural for me from the beginning. The natural progression for me was to get into Vale Tudo. When I was about seventeen, they start to put me in some fights. That’s why when a lot of people ask if I do MMA, I say I’ve did so many fights in MMA but back then it was called Vale Tudo. They don’t keep the “hecords” for that. I would fight anywhere. I would fight anybody. I would fight in some empty swimming pool. I would fight in a “Haquetball” court. One time I fight in the studio apartment of my friend.

For the rest of the article, click here

For Renato Laranja t-shirts and merchandise, click here

Get the 27 time, mundial champion, Renato Laranja’s signature t-shirt

August 14th, 2012

Either you love him or you hate him, Renato Laranja has definitely made a splash in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community. Wear it because you’re a fan, or wear it ironically, either way get the shirt today!

Renato Laranja T Shirt


Renato Laranja Has Altercation with UFC Contender Nate Diaz at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Expo!!!

July 21st, 2012

Things can get a little out of control when alpha dogs Nate Diaz and Renato Laranja are in the same building at the same time.

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Best Of Renato Laranja Part 2

May 27th, 2012








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What does you family think when you tell them you do 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu?

April 1st, 2012

For years nobody ever understood what it was I did for a living. I used to be a Drum and Bass DJ. That meant for most people, if anybody was getting married, I was the first person they’d call to ask if I would play at their wedding, or at the reception. For those of you who don’t know, it’s about the equivalent of asking your local death metal band to play the lobby of a swanky hotel, because the guy in the cubicle next to you, is a musician. Now, I teach at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Van Nuys for a living.  Instead of being asked to DJ bar mitzfas, now I get the drunk chick at parties asking me “You do Jiu Jitsu? That’s soooo coool, I’d like to tone up for summer, can you teach me? Please be my personal trainer.”

I’m with my uncle today visiting my sick grandmother at her home. My uncle is one of my biggest supporters. He has watched me coach, and he’s been to tournaments with me, but I’m not exactly sure he has much of idea of what I do. He’s always trying to help, bless his heart, but seems to always miss the mark.

So, My uncle was wearing a Pacquiao vs Clottey shirt that he’d gotten from a friend of his. One of the Filipino nurses commented on his shirt. I cringed thinking about the next part. My uncle thought she was talking about me, and bragged to the cute nurse, that just like Manny Pacquiao, that I’m an awesome kickboxing fighter trainer. To his credit, I do coach mma, but only the grappling portion. He then made some reference to me training gladiators. It’s too bad he didn’t say something about human cock fighting, that would have been good. Everybody kind of looked at him weird. Then, in desperation he grabbed my head, and gave me a noogie. Everybody was even more puzzled now. I felt like the teenage girl who’s dad bursts in to the sleepover, with a wig, and a guitar, trying to be a part of the gang.

I said “No, she’s talking about, Pacquiao, Manny Pacquiao. You know the boxer? She’s talking about your shirt.” The nurse agreed and we both gestured towards his shirt.

“Oh yeah? Cool, that’s cool.” He said. You know one of those
“sure sure, whatever you say” things you do when you don’t understand what some foreigner is saying, and you want to just get out of the situation, as soon as possible. It was like that, except everybody was speaking English.

“Pacquiao isn’t a kickboxer, he’s a boxer. Pretty much one of the best on the planet. You don’t know him? Really?” I said, in disbelief. I know my uncle used to be a huge Mohammed Ali and boxing fan in his day.

“Oh? The only kickboxer I know is you. hahahah” My uncle said, while punching me playfully, yet a bit nervously, in the stomach.

What was odd is, I’m pretty sure he knows who Pac-Man is, and I’m pretty sure he has a better understanding of what I do, as well. However, at that specific moment, for some reason, it must have, just all went out the window. Or maybe he was just trying to make me look good in front of cute nurses, and it took a nose dive. Or maybe, just maybe, in his own ironic, genius way, he was trolling me. You know, like he was imitating a bad romantic comedy movie, like the Bridgette Jones diary or something. Where he was playing the role of the wacky, off beat family member that embarrasses the hopelessly single character, in front of the sexy female. I’m guessing not, it was probably him just being a bit lost.

I want to know what your family thinks about what you do when you tell them, “I do 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu.” or whatever martial art you do. Somebody has to have another awesome story or two.

I’ve seen this picture floating around the nets. I love it, I think it’s pretty spot on.

Best of Renato Laranja Part 1

February 4th, 2012








Want to learn RJJ Renato Jiu Jitsu?

Eddie Bravo gets choked out by 27 time Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Mundial Champion, Renato Laranja!!!

February 3rd, 2012

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu legend Renato Laranja, chokes Eddie Bravo unconscious!

Want to learn Jiu Jitsu, MMA, No-gi?

Eddie Bravo “MASTERING THE SYSTEM” episode 33 (feat. Jeff Glover, Renato Laranja)

January 8th, 2012